Monday, November 18, 2013

The Unfinished Works of N. Luna: Why?

On my computer there is a folder titled Just Writings. It has several documents of things I've written some are short stories others are personal entries. All unfinished. I came to the realization that when I have something bugging me that if I write it out it won't bug me anymore. For instance there is a short story there about a young couple who I daydreamed about. That sounds weird, I should probably explain.

When I was kid I liked to make up stories. Put myself in another world nothing like my own to escape for a moment. That's why I enjoyed reading so much, I liked the escape. Whenever I was working on an assignment my mind would sometimes wander off. It would wander off to a place completely made-up by me. It wasn't necessarily a place of fantasy just somewhere else. I would put myself in situations that I've read or seen before just to see what it was like. 

Well, while I studied for a midterm or did my homework for a class my mind would wander off. For some reason I would imagine a young couple in a dispute. Over time in my head I would add more about this couple's life. One time I decided to write an introduction about this couple. I liked what I wrote a lot but didn't continue to write. I'm not sure why, maybe final exams came up and I just forgot about the couple. But after two years or so that couple still remained in my head so finally a couple months ago I decided to put it in writing. Every situations that had ran across my mind, I wrote down. I even added more so the story could have more fluidity. I wrote and wrote and I loved it. This story was my own and in my own words. Then I stopped.

I stopped because I had nothing else to say. I had more situations but didn't know how to get there from what I had already written. I also didn't know how long I wanted it to be and have a clue about how it needed to end. So I simply stopped writing. 

That's how all of my other entries are like. When something pops into my head I write it down and then stop because I don't know what else to say. But once I write it down it doesn't bug me anymore. But it bugs me that it doesn't bug me anymore. I want to finish an entry because I like how I develop the story but once I hit a road block (writer's block) I just quit. 

The strange thing also is that I really like how I write. It looks so unperturbed and without worry. I think because I'm writing for myself and not to please others. I think that's why I'm OK writing on here because it seems like no one is reading this blog. Haha no worries I'm ok with that it just makes it more comfortable when I write. I will probably continue to write unfinished works until I find out a way to finish them. 

Stylishly Yours,

N. Luna xxx

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Beautiful Silence

Beautiful silence. That’s how I would describe Gravity…well the first half of the film anyway. I watched it a few weeks ago in 3D IMAX and it was truly mesmerizing. There is no other way of seeing this film if it isn’t in 3D. The visuals were truly astonishing. The contrast of the blue earth, dark sky, and white space station added such a calming sensation over me. I love it when a director uses color and sound to spark a specific emotion in the viewer. The pure silence at the very beginning was truly special. When music was added I think the film lost a bit of its touch because it didn’t seem so real anymore. I felt disconnected.

I think one thing the film did amazingly well was giving the viewer an overall experience of what it would be like to be an astronaut. The transition made from point of view was done really. I applaud Alfredo Cuaron, for really thinking above and beyond (hah beyond…space) in his direction for the movie.

One thing I do think the movie lacked was storyline. It seems the first half of the movie had a very different take than the last half of the movie. Of course certain things transpired but the transitions didn’t flow into each other as swiftly as the visuals did.

Sandra Bullock didn't disappoint. Her role as Ryan Stone was so great, I truly felt her anxiety and fear of being in space. George Clooney's role as Matt Kowalski while brief was entertaining. It wasn't anything spectacular but quite entertaining. 

Overall I really enjoyed Gravity, I recommend watching it while it's still in theaters and in 3D IMAX. You will not be disappointed! :-)

Stylishly Yours,

N. Luna

Monday, November 4, 2013

Misrepresentation of Women in the Media

Over the past year I have become involved with a number of feminist organizations in the nation and I make sure to keep myself updated on current feminist issues. One thing I found was the great amount of people who support women and feminist issues however I couldn't believe that even through there is such a great amount of support there continues to be an issue in the media with the underrepresentation of women.

As a little girl I was often asked the question that’s always asked to little kids, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I would always say positions of leadership like a lawyer, judge, doctor even the president of the United States. However, as I grew older and became more exposed to the media my mindset began to change. As I reached my middle school and high school years, these career goals were no longer my priority what I cared more about was beauty and body image and if I looked beautiful in the eyes of man.

The media has had a major backlash against women’s progress and I think more people should be involved and taking action with women’s rights groups and encouraging women and young girls to become leaders and support them in the process. 

The mainstream media has contributed to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence in America. The media has limited and withering portrayals of women and girls which makes it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman and girl to feel powerful herself.

As a journalist I never want to underrepresent a group of people because everyone has a story and everyone deserves equal representation. 

Stylishly Yours,

N. Luna

Does journalism have a negative connotation?

I've had my share of unpleasant experiences when interviewing certain sources. However one interview I had last semester left me feeling embarrassed. I was working on a story about sex education in Texas schools and I called different schools to get information on their health education curriculum. When one department head found out I was a journalism student she proceeded to yell at me and berate me during the whole phone interview. It was humiliating and I felt defenseless. Even though I continued to be polite and let them know I was a student they continued to be awful in the way they spoke to me.

I have been working in journalism off and on for four years, I pretty much know how it works and I didn't appreciate this person who had no experience in journalism tell me how to do my job. After the interview I felt terrible. I'm sure this has happen to many other people and I want to know how you would handle a difficult situation? How would you defend yourself while remaining polite and courteous to your source who is berating you?

Also has anyone ever treated you differently because you're a journalist or an aspiring journalist?

Stylishly Yours,

N. Luna

Religion: Hard thing to cover? Or just me?

A story I did for one of my journo classes I focused on how students' faith changes when they transition from high school to college. I consider myself a person of faith so when it comes to stories that deal with religion, it can be sometimes hard for me to remain unbiased as a reporter.

For example I interviewed a recent college graduate around my age and she began telling me her story I began to relate to her so much because I've gone through similar spiritual experiences. My question is, if I have such a strong relationship with my faith should I refrain from doing stories that relate to religion? How can I separate my feelings to the topic at hand?

Stylishly Yours,

N. Luna

It's been awhile....

Like my post title's been awhile. I've been busy with finishing school, interning abroad etc. but now I'm back: a college graduate and magazine intern. There has been a lot that I would like to write about and I would like to start. This is just a post upon my return and the next will be my thoughts. Hope you enjoy!

Stylishly Your,

N. Luna